Practice Areas

The wide range of practice areas represents Ken Swartz’s strong foundation and expertise in criminal law. Throughout his career, Miami attorney Swartz has encountered and participated in a plethora of diverse and dynamic criminal trial cases. During his career as a federal public defender and today as a private attorney, Ken Swartz continues to apply his client-focused work ethic and criminal trial experience to defend those facing federal and state charges.

Criminal defense and white collar crimes are the central practice areas in the Swartz Law Firm. The purpose of a federal criminal lawyer like Ken Swartz is to provide substantial representation to prevent the innocent from going to prison and make sure the guilty receive a fair trial and sentencing.

Criminal law can involve an assortment of crimes, including violent crimes such as murder, kidnapping, and aggravated assault, to internet crimes, such as copyright theft, and computer hacking.

A special group of crimes are commonly referred to as white collar crimes, deserving some elaboration. Attorney Ken Swartz is an expert on white collar criminal defense.

So what are white collar crimes? Simply put, white collar crimes are crimes that don’t involve violence. Rather, it involves deceit to maximize, for the most part, profits. Some examples of these types of crimes include money laundering, identity theft, and insider trading, just to name a few. The accused can range from businesses, individuals, and politicians.

Living in South Florida it is important to know which white collar crimes are the most common. For the most part, South Florida is the hearth of Medicare and Healthcare fraud in the country. According to the Miami Herald in an article addressing a recent Government crackdown in 2012, the Herald writes:

“The Miami area, where schemes involving home care, mental health and physical therapy fraud have flourished for years, has stood out as the nation’s epicenter of Medicare corruption.”

To make the point, if you are facing federal charges for Medicare fraud, or ANY white collar crime, please contact the Swartz Law Firm and ask for Ken Swartz, a top tier white collar criminal defense attorney.

If you would like more information on white collar crimes and strategies on countering federal charges, please visit our dedicated white collar crime page.

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