Sex Crimes

Conviction for a sex offense will have a lifetime of adverse consequences. Sex offense registration is required in Florida and every other state. In many communities, a registered offender cannot live in neighborhoods near schools or playgrounds. Being charged with a sex crime can ruin a person’s reputation in a community, cause job termination, and destroy family relationships. The repercussions of a sex offense charge are endless. Even a totally innocent person suffers for the negative dispersions from the accusations.

A person who is the subject of a sex offense investigation needs an expert criminal defense attorney in Miami with experience in the defense of sex crimes. Any contact by the police or the Department of Children and Family Services (DCF) needs to have the same highly competent representation by an expert criminal defense attorney. A law enforcement agency may conduct an investigation without notifying the target of the investigation that he or she is the subject of the investigation. If the accusations are made by a minor, those accusations will be confidential and the person against whom the accusations are may not be aware of the factual allegations. It is crucial to hire an attorney as soon as possible.

Too often sex crime allegations are the result of personal animosity between individuals. In divorce cases with estranged parents bitterly fighting, the battle often turns to sex molestations allegations against one of the parents. In these cases the DCF is required by law to investigate sex offense allegations and report their conclusions to law enforcement. The investigation may be conducted by a zealous and biased investigator lasting weeks and months before the outcome is known. These allegations may be based on the word of young and impressionable children who are under the influence of the antagonistic parent. Having an experience attorney on your side during this period can make all of the difference.

Allegations of child molestation or child abuse may be made by a routine medical exam or a medical provider who becomes suspicious of something found in the exam or something the child says. False accusations can result from misinterpretations. An experienced criminal attorney will be necessary to investigate and can present rebuttal evidence.

Allegations of a sex offense can originate from a spurned relationship with no evidence to support the allegations other than the word of the accuser. Because of the nature of this accusation, law enforcement will be obligate to investigate. If the police and prosecutor believe the accuser is believable, then charges may be filed. An experienced on your side can prevent a runaway investigation based on false and vindictive accusations. An experienced criminal defense attorney will aggressively prepare the defense by interviewing witnesses and gathering information early in the investigation. Presenting the state with convincing proof of innocence can result in a decision not to file charges.

The Florida Swartz Law Firm represents individuals accuse of a wide variety of sex crimes including:

  • Capital Sex Battery
  • Child Abuse
  • Date Rape
  • Child Pornography
  • Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Incest
  • Lewd and Lascivious Conduct
  • Molestation
  • Sexual Battery on a Child
  • Pornography
  • Prostitution
  • Rape
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Battery
  • Statutory Rape

With over 28 years of experience of trial experience as a criminal defense lawyer in Miami, Ken Swartz represents individuals who have been accused or charged with sex crimes that involve the risk of serious imprisonment and sex offender registration. If you or a loved one faces state or federal charges or investigation involving a sex crime, call the Swartz Law Firm to schedule an initial consultation with a Miami criminal defense attorney who specializes in criminal trial law.

Aggressively and expertly defending people who have been accused or charged with a serious crime is what we do. Call us if we can be of help.

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Available 24/7 (305) 579-9090