International Drug Trafficking

Most drugs found in the United States originate from a country outside the United States. Certain countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Jamaica, and Venezuela have been recognized during various periods by federal law enforcement as drug source countries. Drugs originate in other South America, Central America Asia and even Europe. Drug use has become so widespread that it is now an international problem. International drug Cartels earning multimillion dollars run rampant in some drug producing countries. Cartels usually influence corrupt politicians with drug profits and in some smaller countries influence the economy. Drugs usually originate from poor economies which find high demand and prices in the United States.

In recent years the U.S. has joined together with other countries in reaching agreements aimed at fighting international drug cartels. Some of these countries, such as Colombia, have made agreements with the U.S. government to extradite drug traffickers to the United States to face indictments and criminal justice is beyond corruption.

Because of the international scale of the problem, drug trafficking has become an international problem. Drugs are imported into the United States because there is an international drug trafficking business. Drugs grown or manufactured outside the U.S. borders are smuggled across the border often by forces and organizations operating outside the U.S.

Drug importation and international drug trafficking are prosecute the federal law enforcement and will fall under the jurisdiction of federal court. The constitution gives the federal government authority to regulate all substances entering the country and the authority to police borders. To effectively combat the international drug trafficking requires marshalling the resources of the federal government.

Importation into the United States

Drugs entering the United States often take complicate routes to cross the border. Drugs have been shipped over water in every type of vessel including submarines. Sometimes several boats are involved in the trip, often stopping in more than one country as the smugglers make their way to the U.S. The U.S. coastline has always been a commonly used means of entry because of its length and the inability to monitor all vessels entering each seaport. The extensive amount of merchandise entering the ports is so large that it is impossible for the Customs to inspect every container entering the United States.

In addition, drug smugglers have been creative in the packaging used to sneak drugs into the country past customs inspectors. Smugglers use land travel across Canada and Mexico as a means of introducing drugs. Drugs have been smuggled into the U.S. in almost every imaginable type of cargo and packaging.

Prosecution for importation requires proof that the drugs crossed the border or proof there was intent to bring them across the border. If there is no evidence drugs moving in international commerce were destined for the U. S. there can be no prosecution to import drugs into the U.S.

The U.S. law enforcement has the authority to stop a ship on the high seas outside of the U. S. territorial waters to inspect for drugs. If the ship flies under the flag of a foreign country the Coast Guard will need permission of that country. If there is no flag, it is considered a stateless vessel and can be boarded without permission.

International drug trafficking is a serious charges that require the highest quality legal representation. Ken Swartz is a Miami criminal defense lawyer who is a Florida Board certified expert in criminal trial law. He has many years of experience representing hundreds of cases involving persons charged with drug trafficking offenses. If you or someone you know is accused of a drug-related charge and facing incarceration and the loss of personal assets by forfeiture call the Swartz Law Firm to schedule a consultation with an experienced, board certified criminal trial attorney.

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